Monday, October 5, 2009

One down.... Two to GO...

I don't know what I have done to piss Karma off, but she sure as hell hates me lately. There are so many things that I have to take care of, and for some reason they all popped up at once. Thanks to my "was lost but now found" friend, I was able to cross one of those things off my list.
I think money is the root of all evil. If you think about it, it's the most dirty, disgusting thing in the world, and everyone LOVES it.
The other night on TLC, I was watching this terrible show about parents who put their children in pageants. These children think that is the one and only thing there is about being a child. If they don't look a certain way, they are ugly. If they are missing teeth, they are ugly. What the hell is this world coming to? I think it's cute as hell when I see a child smile and they are missing their teeth!! But these pageants are teaching them that they are ugly if one little thing is out of place. So the parents spend $Thousands$ of dollars on the dresses, costumes for talent, flippers (fake teeth) hair stylist, etc... Who knows what else they do because what they showed on the program was limited. I just can't see the good out of exploiting children to that behavior. Then the world wonders why children are anorexic, or depressed. Hey, here's a hint... MAKE YOUR CHILDREN GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!!! Instead of letting them sit at the TV all afternoon. I honestly can't think of any time other than when I was sick that I wasn't outside playing after school.
I try my hardest to be a good parent. I love my daughter more than anything in this world. I will do anything to make her happy. I wonder how some people can actually hurt children and think that they are in the right. Child Protection Services is supposed to be there for the children, but when they take the story from a manipulative adult over what the child is saying happened, aren't they just supporting child abuse?
Last night while I was counting stars, I realized that I have a lot of questions, I know that most of them won't ever get answered. I guess that's part of life, right? Find your path and start your journey with your first step.

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