Friday, November 13, 2009

Un-Known Touch...

An angel whispered in her ear, with a labored breath, a silent diamond tear slid down her cheek. Alas the heart can be one, but who is a true heart, but a cold one? The mask has hidden her disfigured beauty for years, she is the one to break the silence as the diamond tear is kissed from her lips by a touch that she has not known. The cold heart shatters into a million diamond tears, and each is kissed by the same un-known touch as it is sent into the heavens of the velvet sky. The first true breath is shared with the angel in that one priceless moment. The angel whispers he must take his leave, she knows not if, but when. All because of the silent diamond tear, the touch, and the whisper of an angel....

Her heart is warm, but to touch is gentle. The kiss is hers, she keeps it in her radiating heart. She waits, and waits.... Her beauty can only become more. She is the keeper of the keys. Keys that have no home, but is hers to find. The sky is radiant with her wishes, and she sees her wings. If only she could reach just a little more... The velvet sky gives no mercy, and what was hers, is no longer because she dares not to hope. For hope leads to fear, and fear leads to pain.

She waits, and waits... An angel whispers in her ear. There is so much more. Try, try, try. She gasps with the awakening sense of freedom within her grasp. To find the lost keys, to find the box, to find, and release the final breath of poison. Fear is clinging to her heart. A pain that she can not suffer again, threatens to be released. An angel whispers in her ear. To fear is to be lost, to love is to be found. All she has is the memory... The pain of losing is to know no bigger fear than to seal her heart away again with those who are lost. She hopes. An angel whispers in her ear, she can not see the beauty of which is spoken, but to be trusted on blind faith that she will be one with her heart again. The lost keys are given to her. She has the answers, and still she waits, and waits... She sleeps, and in her deep slumber she dreams of those that were not in her reach, but to mock her with false hope, false love, all that is false. She sees that all is there, her diamond tears spread out for those who love to see, for those who hope to wish, for those who wish, to receive. All she needs is hope. Hope that there is more out there than she sees... A touch that she has forgotten wakes her from her slumber. Was it all just a dream?

Her freedom was worth so much more than she knew. She learns the way of love, of hate, of passion, and of poison. The pain is so much less than she knew she could bear. The warmth is so much more that she will not release. No tears have been shed for the joy of becoming one, will be of late. The velvet sky leaves no question, the time is coming, the opening of the lock that holds the million pieces of her silent diamond tear. She knows she will feel the touch that she has forgotten, on her lips, from an angels lips, like a secret whisper of hope. At last she has the touch of the angel who whispers in her ear. He leads her to her hope. The hope that was lost among the fears. The fears that were swallowed by the hope all because of the touch she had not known.

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