Friday, November 20, 2009

Sealed with a Kiss...

This is the month of Thanks. The last couple days have really reminded me that there are so many things that I have in my life that I am grateful for. Soooo I guess I need to put some of them down. If I were to put all of them, I would be here all year. So here goes.....

1~ My health. I am so grateful that I was able to conquer addiction. Even though it is a daily battle, I am grateful that I have the strength to resist temptation. I am grateful that I can ride a bike, that I can smile and mean it, that I can work. I am grateful that I can see the beautiful sun the moon and the stars, smell the beautiful flowers, feel (with heart and touch) to feel the sweet kisses, and to hear the sound of my daughters musical laughter and the sound of someone who cares. I am grateful to be alive.

2~ My heart. I know that this is an odd one to put down, but I'll explain. I am grateful for my heart, for it allows me to love. It allows me to cherish the memories of sweet oblivion that I have experienced. It allows me to feel pain. To help me remember my past mistakes and to be able to grow from those experiences. It helps me know that there is love out there for me. It gives me a jolt when there is something exciting. Like seeing a friend that I haven't seen in a long time. Or the butterflies it gives me when I feel something that needs to be cherished. It tells me when my daughter needs me.

~3 My family. I have the most wonderful family. They have always been there, even when I didn't want them there, they were. I love my family with every cell in my body. I love you, thank you. To my Mom, you are the light that has always brought me home. You always question if you raised me right, I am here to tell you that you did. I am a stronger person for the trials that I have been through, and if you hadn't pushed me, I know I wouldn't be the person I am today. Thank you. To my Dad, you are the one who has taught me to not judge, to not be a hypocrite, and to love unconditionally. Thank you. To my Sister, you are the one who was always pushing when I didn't want to be pushed. It made me think about my life. Where I was and what I wanted out of it. Thank you. To my Brother, you have no idea how much I look up to you. I will always remember your blessing you gave me when I needed it most. You have always been there for me. Your hugs are so warm. Thank you. To my Brother-in-Law, you showed me how to conquer a trial. You proved to me that it is possible to be strong enough. Thank you for always talking to me, even if it was something off the wall. I am so proud of you. Thank you. To my Sister-in-Law, you have shown me that there is time for second chances. I am so happy that I have gotten you in my life. You have shown me that creativity comes from the heart, and that nothing but myself can make my creativity beautiful. Thank you. To my Aunt, thank you. You will never know the gratitude I have for you. You have given me so much. I don't know that I will ever be able to re-pay you, but I sure will try. Thank you for being home when I get home, thank you for your hugs when I am down. Thank you for your love. Thank you.

~4 My Daughter. There are so many things that I can put down for you. My little butterbean. Thank you for your love, your smiles, your hugs. I love you more than my own life. I am so grateful that God gave you to me. I was lost until you came into my life. Thank you for telling me that I'm not old until I can't smile anymore. Thank you for jumping on the trampoline with me, thank you for making me laugh when I'm down. Thank you for being you. You are such a beautiful girl. I am honored to be your Mommacita. I love you butterbean.

~5 My life. I know there are so many times that I have wondered why I have to live this life. But as I look back, the times that I didn't think I would make it to the next day are the ones that I am truly grateful for. It shows me that I can make it through thick and thin, and move on with a smile, and love in my heart.

~6 My friends. Thank you so much for always being there with a warm heart, and an open mind. I know that some of my ideas and thoughts about life are a little skewed, but you always were there for me, even when I didn't see you for years, I always knew that when I saw you again, you would be there for me. I have no idea how I have gotten the wonderful friends that I have, and I am truly grateful for each and everyone of you. Thank you, I love you.

~7 God. Thank you for the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars. Thank you for my life. My love is yours.

I could keep going, but I think I have covered the most of it. There are so many things that I take for granted each and every day of my life. I have recently had the opportunity to spend time with a cancer patient. She is on the last couple of months of her life, and she still has a smile. I can't imagine the courage that she has. I am so grateful for my life. I know I keep repeating myself, but honestly, I just want everyone to know how incredibly grateful I am to be where I am, with who I am with, with the heart that I have.

Last night I was counting stars outside on the trampoline with my many blankets, and wondering where the time has gone. I thought about the meteor shower from a couple nights before. I saw the most amazing meteor I think I will ever see in my life. It just goes to show that there are always little surprises in life. You don't think that they are there, until you open your eyes, and your heart to truly see what you have. The stars are only a beginning of my gratitude. When I look to the sky and see how many there are, and realize that I can only see a small portion of what is actually there, my gratitude is just the same. I am grateful that I can now seal my heart with a warm kiss.

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